Honoring Your Best Friend

Posted on February 1st, 2021 by under Pet Cremation
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pet cremation in Chamblee, GA

Losing a pet is a painful experience, and the loss is often devastating. Holding a memorial or funeral for your lost pet after their pet cremation in Chamblee, GA is an important and healthy way to find some peace amid the anguish.


But where do you begin? Read on to learn more about planning pet funeral and cremation services.

  • Burial or CremationPet funeral services start with deciding how you want to send your friend to his final resting place. Pet cremation is a great way to memorialize your pet. You can scatter the ashes somewhere special after the cremation or keep them with you in a pet cremation urn. Pet burials are also an option. Bury your pet in the comfort of your own yard, or in a pet cemetery. This way, you can always have a gravesite to visit where you can pay tribute to your beloved pet.
  • Choosing a Location – The next step in planning pet funeral services is to choose where the service will be held. You can hold the service at your home, where you plan to scatter the ashes, in a pet funeral home, or in a pet cemetery. Choose a location that allows you to express your grief in a healthy way and sets you up for the healing process.
  • Design the Program – Next, plan the funeral service program. Just like a regular service, a pet funeral is an honorable way to memorialize your pet’s life and say goodbye in a constructive way. Invite friends and family members who were a part of your pet’s life and understand how important he/she was to you. Gather together to share pet memories or stories. You may also choose to play music, read poems or share feelings. Ask attendants to help eulogize, say prayers or just talk about how your beloved pet made them feel. Bring along special stationary, cards or paper on which people can write down their feelings or thoughts. This way you can hold onto these memories for later on.
  • Set Up a Viewing – Just like traditional funeral services, pet funeral services benefit from some sort of visual representation of the deceased. Craft a small tribute or viewing in the memory of your pet. Decorate a table with memories of your lost pet like tags, collars, favorite toys or photos. If you chose to cremate the body, you may also choose to display the urn for the viewing. If you don’t have an urn, you can also print a large photo of your pet. Feel free to continue decorating with candles, flowers or drawings. You can also collect photos and home videos to make a video montage of your pet.

pet cremation in Chamblee, GA

Deceased Pet Care in Chamblee, GA understands how painful losing a pet can be. We offer a variety of pet funeral and cremation services to help you grieve your loss. These services include private cremation, viewing cremation and individual burial. Feel free to reach out to us so we can help you plan your pet cremation in Chamblee, GA.

Deceased Pet Care

For more than 49 years, the Shugart Family has served pets and the families that love them. As a third generation family business, we are dedicated to providing superior pet aftercare services.

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