Rescue Groups We Love
Animal rescue groups in Georgia work exceptionally hard every day to save the lives of homeless, neglected, and abused pets around the state. They provide shelter, food, and medical attention to animals that would otherwise have lived on the streets or in hopeless conditions in neglectful homes, giving these pets the helping hand they need […]

A Prayer for Animals
by Dr. Albert Schweitzer Hear our humble prayer, O God, for our friends, the animals –Especially for animals who are suffering; for any that are hunted or lost or deserted or frightened or hungry; and for all that must be put to death. We entreat for them all thy mercy and pity, and for those who deal […]

Deceased Pet Care Offering VIRTUAL Pet Loss Support Group
For many pet lovers, losing a pet is like losing a best friend, a family member, and a trusted companion all at once. When that loss occurs, many are left with grief and other emotions that can be overwhelming, not knowing what to do or say to move forward, or what to say to others […]

Check out the Georgia Center for Humane Education
We’ve all seen the commercials for the ASPCA. We’ve all heard horror stories of pets in need, whether they’ve been neglected, mistreated, or just left to fend for themselves. April is the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month; while there are many ways to help fight the mistreatment of animals, one Georgia group is using […]

Achoo! Dealing with pet allergies this spring
With the warmer weather on its way and already taking hold in the state of Georgia, many allergy sufferers are already stocking up on medication and neti-pots to get them through the season. While you plan ahead for the yellow pollen that is sure coating Georgia’s soil, don’t forget about your pets. Pets are just […]